Why Marketing for Small Businesses
is Different
Many small business owners are aware that marketing is different for them than it is for larger companies, but they may not fully understand why. This blog post will discuss the differences and what you can do to make your marketing more successful in a way that is tailored to your size and budget.
A Comprehensive Strategy
A key difference is that small business owners have to wear many different hats, so while the marketing strategy may be similar in some ways, you will need a more comprehensive plan since your name isn’t as immediately known. Advertising online and off while maintaining an up-to-date website is the bare minimum. Going the extra mile to connect with potential customers goes a long way when you’re trying to cut through the advertising noise.
A Tailored Approach
Another difference is that there are many different approaches you might take to marketing your small business. For example, a store with four or more employees may advertise locally via flyers, newspapers, and websites while relying on word-of-mouth for customers who live outside their local area. A company of this size would not typically run a national ad campaign, since they’re not likely to have the budget for it.
The Power of Word-of-Mouth Marketing
Word-of-mouth marketing is an inexpensive but effective way that small businesses can generate new business without breaking their budgets or overextending themselves. By making sure you maintain strong and positive relationships with your customers, you can create a word-of-mouth buzz that makes people eager to work with and buy from you. Never underestimate the power of maintaining a good amount of positive testimonials and reviews.