Michael Cornell Case Study

Digital Branding, Funnel Creation, and SEO


A 6-Figure Diabetic Resale and Course Empire

When we first met Michael Cornell, he was just getting started with diabetic product resale. His website, webuydiabeticproducts.com, was beginning to turn a steady profit, but he needed sustainable growth in order to become a digital nomad and live the lifestyle he was looking for. Through working with Michael on SEO for webuydiabeticproducts.com and multiple course launches for themichaelcornell.com, we were able to help Michael become a credible business coach in the resale space.

How We Helped

That’s where we came in. We built them a brand new responsive website that not only looks amazing but is also designed with the user experience in mind. We made sure that potential customers would be able to find what they’re looking for easily and learn more about LJz’s unique story.

This was a particularly fun project for us because we got to incorporate some of our favorite design elements, like parallax scrolling and large, full-width photos.
Michael Cornell Case Study 1

Challenges Faced

Getting enough people who wanted to sell surplus diabetic products at first was a big challenge. We worked with Michael to do keyword research and targeted the “hot buttons” that would get people interested in selling their products to his website instead of everyone else’s. Once he knew he had a workable strategy with his Tampa Diabetic Exchange, he wanted to turn his methods into digital courses so that he could help other people live the digital nomad dream too. We helped him package and launch his courses so that he could spend more of his time actually selling and helping people, rather than just putting courses together.

The Solution

We created an SEO and branding strategy that helped Michael get to the front page of Google for his keyword phrases, which gave him authentic, relevant traffic right off the bat. From there, we expanded on that by creating multiple 6-figure launches for his courses. Today, Michael enjoys doing what he loves most: Helping people live their best lives, and traveling.